Maybe you want to start producing high quality professional sounding vocals from your home. Or maybe you want to elevate your home studio that you currently have with new gear. There is gear for every budget and need so therefore finding the right one for you can be a bit of a djungle.
Vocals is the area in music I've spent the most time with starting young around age of eight recording vocals with my dad in his home studio. From there it never really stopped. There are some things I've learned over the years regarding recording and producing vocals. By loads of trial and error and time spent in studio environments there are some tips I collected for you that could be helpful about microphones, pop filters, XLR cables, mic stands, interfaces and more. Note that the gear mentioned is recommendations only. You should always do your own research on gear to find the one that suits your unique workflow.
This video will explain the gear recommended for recording vocals from your home studio. Some of my tips could maybe save you some headache or money and help you decide on what gear to go for to be able to produce professional sounding vocals from your home studio no matter what budget you have: